Sustainability at Gusti Leather

Sustainability plays an important role within our company. We aim to contribute to protecting the environment in various ways. We are a “Slow Fashion” brand that encourages sustainable consumption by using resources wisely. 

We don't label ourselves "sustainable" or "unsustainable", we work to improve our sustainability efforts throughout our company continuously. Below are some impactful sustainable practices that we pursue to protect the environment. 


We offer a repair service for damaged items. Our customer service team are your point of contact in regard to repairs and will take care of everything. If you need a small repair, you can have it done at one of the workbenches in our Gusti stores in Germany.

Chrome-free leather

Another step toward sustainability

We are working with new leather manufacturers who will be producing sustainable leather. The tannery will supply us with chrome-free leather, which means our production facilities will have cleaner wastewater, contribute less to pollution, and our products will be more biodegradable.

We’ll be sourcing the most sustainable leather from these tanneries. Chrome-free leather is durable and doesn’t compromise the leather’s performance. Our goal is for our Gusti Leather Studio manufacturers to be producing chrome-free leather by 2024.

All of our products will be produced with the environment in mind.


In our shipping warehouse in Rosówek, our sustainability efforts focus on the packaging we use to ship our products. Packages are specifically adapted to the size of our products, so that as little material as possible is wasted. We reuse the boxes that the items arrived at our warehouse in from our manufacturers. We don’t repack our products, so there’s no double packaging required. The cardboard boxes are used multiple times and can be identified by the “Recycled” sticker.

Reducing the sizes of our packaging means that we can reduce the number of vehicles needed to transport our products. Originally, we needed 3 trucks to pick up the packages from the warehouse but now we only need one. This helps reduce our CO2 consumption.

Solar panels in Rostock and Rosówek

We installed our own system of solar panels on the roof of our Rostock office in the summer of 2019. We use the solar energy generated here to supply our office with electricity, making us self-sufficient. This plant produces approx. 27000 kWh per year, significantly more energy than our on-site building consumes. So we have chosen to feed the surplus electricity generated directly into Rostock’s electricity grid (through Stadtwerke Rostock). This is the most sensible and easiest way for our company to use the electricity we have generated, as we don’t have a way to store the energy ourselves. We installed a solar panel plant on the roof of our warehouse in Rosówek too.

Our hosting partner also uses green electricity. Our websites are hosted by our partners who use green electricity. This allows us to provide you with a completely sustainable shopping experience.





E-charging station

We installed our own e-vehicle charging station next to our Rostock office in September 2022. This e-charging station can be used by anyone with an e-vehicle, not just Gusti employees. Since its installation, 21 cars have been charged using our e-charging station, saving 429 kg of CO2 and preventing 448 kg of greenhouse gases from being released into the atmosphere. This is the equivalent of planting 11 trees and letting them grow for ten years. We're expecting these figures to increase in the coming years.

We embrace sustainability by pursuing various strategies including Slow Fashion and Repair Services. This has helped us to conserve natural resources and also, create a healthy and green environment for generations to come.